looking back
if you live enough of your life in a virtual world (online video games/forums for example), technically everything about that time could be played back entirely from start to finish with minimal loss of detail. so instead of looking at old photos that capture moments in time, we move towards the option of rewinding and fast forwarding through the past and being able to step into re-enactments of the places and events we experienced. but that’s only because we are spending more of our time in the virtual world.
so we cant generate the computing power to effectively recreate past experiences in the actual world we live in, but being the resourceful creatures we are we can reshape how we live our lives such that the majority of our experiences are in digital worlds that can easily be revisited throughout life.
if you carried around a 360 degree camera wherever you went and recorded the best parts you’d be able to skip through those places later as easily as flipping through a photo album. that could get addictive for some people. would people retreat in terms of mental and social development because they prefer to spend their time living in recreations of their past?