I had an idea for an app that I called IceBreaker
When you set up your profile you go through different categories and select things you are interested in. Musicians. Actors. Sports teams. Places you’ve visited. You’d also have to let it know your location (but only when you want to use the app).
When the app sees that you are within range of enough users with some overlapping interest, everyone gets an alert related to it. As soon as you see it, you know that some of the people near you must also have an interest in it. The alert content would be more than just the name of the interest – some related bit of news or trivia, to prompt actual conversation.
Ever found yourself at a party where you barely know anyone? You might mingle and try to make small talk with strangers and hope for the best. But what if you suddenly noticed some people wearing t-shirts featuring Terry Gilliam movies, which you really enjoy? That makes a difference. Now you’ve got the confidence to engage in conversation about something you’re actually interested in (or want to learn more about).
Or maybe one person just got back from a week in Scotland, while another person is planning a trip there soon, and another person went to school in the UK and has some great stories from the area. Sometimes these connections will become apparent through random conversation, but if not that’s a wasted opportunity.
Sometimes the only difference between complete strangers and new friends is a mutual awareness of a common interest and some time to discuss it.
The app takes a social process that usually happens slowly and randomly (if at all) and accelerates it. Sign up, and then go out into the world and see who you connect with over real interests.
IceBreaker is like a meetup that organizes itself spontaneously.
It could also offer a ‘Premium’ version where users can add interests not already available, since there would be some value in connecting with people who have very specific/obscure interests.
There is potential for abuse, since users wouldn’t have a way to know if the other people really share an interest with them or are simply looking to make fun of someone with different interests. There is always some risk in letting people know more about yourself.
Who would sponsor the app? Any business that wants it’s products to be available as one of the common interests (for them its an example of more targeted advertising).
This post only exists because of Jason and Lisa, two strangers I sat between at a bar in Somerville. We might never have spoken at all but we did and it inspired this idea.
orig. posted on November 13, 2015